How to create API keys on Bybit

Video Manual

Create API keys

Written manual

Create API keys

1) Create a new subaccount for Robuxio



1.3) Give your subbaccount a name and make sure to select Unified Trading Account as account type.

2) Go to the API settings of you subaccount

3) Click Create New Key

4) Select System-generated API Keys. (You can also generate your own API keys if you know how to do that.)

5) Click “Connect to Third-Party Applications” and select ROBUXIO s.r.o. in the application list.

6) Give your API keys Read-Write permission. Give them them the persmission to Read-Write your orders and position

7) Key successfully added

Note: Before saving your API settings, make sure you save your API Key and Secret Key.

8. Go to and submit your API keys.

IMPORTANT: Do not fund your UTA wallet with anything other than USDT!

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